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star the artist: maren leonard libonn starself-portrait

Hello, hello!

My name is Maren, and I make "modern kitsch" light boxes. By day, I'm an English teacher. However, by night (also by weekend, summer, and the occasional national holiday), I'm an artist and an explorer.

Much of my artistic inspiration comes from the history of St. Louis and its surrounding communities. From nationally recognizable landmarks to decaying Route 66 motel signs, St. Louis has a history worth documenting and preserving. I collect the vintage items that I can afford, from clothing to furniture, and settle for photographing the vintage cars and historic buildings that I covet. These aging treasures are the inspiration for my "modern kitsch," which I describe as Danish modern plywood light boxes illuminating translucent images of mid-century modern Americana.


star the carpenter: david libonn stardavid

I could not create my modern kitsch light box art without the help of my talented husband, David. Before moving from Connecticut to attend law school at Washington University, David spent several years working as a journeyman finish carpenter. David Libonn, Esq. now works as an attorney, but he generously builds my modern kitsch light boxes during his free time.

When we're not building light boxes, David and I are often exploring St. Louis' most architecturally stunning neighborhoods. Armed with cameras, we preserve the memories of brick beauties one shutter-click at a time.


© maren leonard libonn 2010-2024